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Ray C Thai
4:15 PM
5:51 PM

Server: John Louie
Jim Andress
2865 days, 21 hours, 54 mins ago

***HEAP ALLOCATOR ANNOUNCEMENT READ ME*** Hey everyone! Just as a heads up: during the heap allocator assignment we have a lot of people come to office hours with questions of the form "my heap allocator is crashing. What is wrong?" If you have a bug in your heap allocator implementation, more likely than not the first question we will ask you is "what checks are you running in validate_heap() to catch this bug?" If your answer is "None" or "what is validate_heap()?", then we probably won't be able to give you much advice beyond telling you to beef up your "validate_heap()" implementation. So please, do this before signing up! "But Jim," I hear you cry, "what *does* validate_heap() do?" Within validate_heap(), you should be implementing a sequence of checks to verify that, at any given point in time, your heap and associated data structures are correctly formed. Then, when you run alloctest, it will halt the execution of a script as soon as one of your checks fail, allowing you to see exactly which request led to a problem. Each time you add a feature to your allocator, you should ask yourself what that feature guarantees about the state of the heap and think about what you can do to verify that those conditions are true. As an example, suppose that I am working on an explicit free-list design, with each free block holding a pointer to the next free block in the list. In this situation, I could add some code within validate_heap() to make a traversal of the free list, checking that for every block in the list, the header indicates that the block is in fact freed.
Stephanie Palocz
May 26, 5:29 PM
@anika where exactly are you?
Stephanie Palocz
May 26, 5:31 PM
I can't find you
Aaron Levett
May 27, 2:11 PM
@Sal are you still in Gates? I added myself to the queue about 20 minutes ago.
LI Shulian
May 28, 7:11 PM
Could you connect me?
LI Shulian
May 28, 7:12 PM
LI Shulian
May 28, 7:31 PM
LI Shulian
May 28, 7:32 PM
Jim Andress
May 28, 7:33 PM
I'm in that call but it says you ended it
LI Shulian
May 28, 7:34 PM
network is very not stable
LI Shulian
May 28, 7:34 PM
you need to connect me more times
Jim Andress
May 28, 7:56 PM
Roslyn Cyrus
May 28, 8:45 PM
hey Jim
Jacob Reiter
May 29, 7:21 PM
Hi we are here for Devon's OH but the queue is closed
Sabelle Smythe
Jun 1, 4:57 PM
Yi where are you?
Colin Kincaid
Jun 2, 10:42 AM
Phil, I'm in the hangout
Phil Mattia
Jun 2, 10:42 AM
weird So am I
Phil Mattia
Jun 2, 10:42 AM
Phil Mattia
Jun 2, 10:42 AM
that's the one I'm in
Colin Kincaid
Jun 2, 11:16 AM
Li, could you send your URL again? it says I'm the only one in this room
Colin Kincaid
Jun 2, 11:21 AM
Li, I'm going to move to the next student for now. I'll keep you in the queue--let me know if you come back
Sal Valdes
Jun 3, 12:31 PM
Ursula, we're in Gates room 100
Jacob Reiter
Jun 3, 12:34 PM
Hey Sal, Ursula and I are locked out and dont know how to get in lol
Roslyn Cyrus
Jun 3, 1:10 PM
Sal when it's my turn, I'm here:
Stephanie Palocz
Jun 4, 3:46 PM
@amelia where are you?
Shelby Marcus
Jun 4, 3:48 PM
we're walking in @stephanie!
Shelby Marcus
Jun 4, 3:48 PM
for amelia's slot
Stephanie Palocz
Jun 4, 3:48 PM
ok cool, be with you next
Stephanie Palocz
Jun 4, 4:09 PM
@meghana where are you?
Stephanie Palocz
Jun 4, 5:22 PM
@santosh where are you?
Tiantian Tang
Jun 5, 6:53 PM
@devon sorry my internet was bad. i'll try later. please help other now
Devon Warshaw
Jun 5, 6:55 PM
okay no problem!
Shelby Marcus
Jun 5, 7:00 PM
@devon hi I'm in the nook near the bathroom
Sabelle Smythe
Jun 6, 11:45 AM
Hey Jonathan - queuestatus is for Huang OH, there should be a separate signup in Cynthia's office
Jim Andress
Jun 7, 2:32 PM
Tiantian, I think the connection dropped, I couldn't see or hear you.
Namrata Kadam
Apr 18, 3:04 PM
Zoya Garg
Oct 25, 4:05 PM
is queue opening?