AJ Arnolie
Apr 4, 8:52 AM
Black LaIR Help Sessions will start this Thursday, April 7th! Check out our website for the full schedule: http://blackincs.stanford.edu.
Ulo Freitas
Apr 7, 5:05 PM
Hi Sky! Feel free to join the zoom whenever you're ready!
Ulo Freitas
Apr 7, 5:06 PM
Here's the link: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/91448158825?pwd=M0R4eW5iOE90UENxY2xQV1hXN3B2UT09
Zandreas Benitez
Apr 7, 5:51 PM
Zandreas Benitez
Apr 7, 5:51 PM
I'm trying to enter the zoom link. May I be let in please?
Ulo Freitas
Apr 7, 5:52 PM
Hi Zandreas! Happy to help you, may you please join the queue before joining the zoom?
Ulo Freitas
Apr 7, 5:52 PM
Hi Christina! You're up next, feel free to join the zoom link when you're ready
Zandreas Benitez
Apr 7, 5:53 PM
I'm sorry I don't know how to join the que here.
Ulo Freitas
Apr 7, 5:53 PM
No worries at all, at the top of your screen you should see a "Sign up" button
Ulo Freitas
Apr 7, 5:53 PM
Hit that and then it'll let you join the queue
Zandreas Benitez
Apr 7, 5:54 PM
I feel silly, thank you!
Ulo Freitas
Apr 7, 5:54 PM
No worries!
Ulo Freitas
Apr 7, 6:15 PM
Hi Sola! Feel free to join the zoom whenever you're ready!
Benjamin Oberlton
Apr 7, 8:01 PM
hey iyanu feel free to come in
Benjamin Oberlton
Apr 7, 8:02 PM
hey lina while we wait on iyanu feel free to join the chat
Benjamin Oberlton
Apr 7, 8:05 PM
I am going to stay around for another 5min in the zoom call if either of you want to hop on, but after that I unfortunately have to go
Chijioke Mgbahurike
Apr 12, 5:26 PM
Hello, can I have Andrea join the zoom
Chijioke Mgbahurike
Apr 12, 5:26 PM
Chijioke Mgbahurike
Apr 12, 5:26 PM
Sorry I meant timmy*
Chijioke Mgbahurike
Apr 12, 5:36 PM
Hello Andrea, feel free to hop on the zoom
Ulo Freitas
Apr 14, 5:23 PM
Hi Maryam! Feel free to join the zoom whenever you're ready!
Christina Benjamin
Apr 14, 5:35 PM
only conceptual questions?
Christina Benjamin
Apr 14, 5:36 PM
Does how to apprach a problem count as conceptual?
Ulo Freitas
Apr 14, 5:40 PM
Hi Christina, yup! We can talk more once it's your turn :)
Ulo Freitas
Apr 14, 5:40 PM
Hi Amelia, Feel free to join the zoom whenever you're ready!
Ulo Freitas
Apr 14, 5:53 PM
Hi Christina, feel free to join the zoom whenever you're ready!
Ulo Freitas
Apr 14, 6:28 PM
Hi Christina! Feel free to join the zoom when you're ready!
Ruth-Ann Armstrong
Apr 16, 1:30 PM
Hi! Feel free to join the Zoom after I mark you as ready to be served in the queue
Ulo Freitas
Apr 21, 5:05 PM
Hi, sorry I'll be on in one second having some technical difficulties!
Eban Ebssa
Apr 23, 12:02 PM
Hi Isabel, be sure to join the Zoom meeting in the announcements section whenever you're ready! https://stanford.zoom.us/j/91448158825?pwd=M0R4eW5iOE90UENxY2xQV1hXN3B2UT09
Kalissa Greene
Apr 23, 12:05 PM
I need help with CS106B but no one is in the Queue. Do you know if they are having it today?
Eban Ebssa
Apr 23, 12:28 PM
I will reach out to the person on shift for 106B right now!
Kalissa Greene
Apr 23, 12:29 PM
Eban Ebssa
Apr 23, 1:16 PM
Hi Kalissa, feel free to join the Zoom as I can try to help for 106B https://stanford.zoom.us/j/91448158825?pwd=M0R4eW5iOE90UENxY2xQV1hXN3B2UT09
Abena Ofosu
May 7, 1:32 PM
Abena Ofosu
May 7, 1:33 PM
Feel free to join the zoom room. The link is right above this meassage
Zandreas Benitez
May 7, 1:49 PM
Hi, is there a zoom link I can have while I wait?
Zandreas Benitez
May 7, 1:51 PM
just saw zoom link
Zandreas Benitez
May 7, 2:00 PM
Hi, I'm in the zoom link that was sent. Is there someone that can help me?
Zandreas Benitez
May 7, 2:01 PM
Should I wait in the zoom link?
Abena Ofosu
May 7, 2:01 PM
Are you there?
Abena Ofosu
May 17, 5:04 PM
Please join the Zoom room: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/6154830952?pwd=MzllNUhsRHZwMmVxOE9lNHc0OW5KZz09
Chijioke Mgbahurike
May 17, 5:06 PM
Oh yeah!
Chijioke Mgbahurike
May 17, 5:06 PM
I joined
Abena Ofosu
May 17, 5:12 PM
Abena Ofosu
May 17, 6:38 PM
Abena Ofosu
May 17, 6:45 PM
link above ^^^
Ruth-Ann Armstrong
May 19, 6:34 PM
Hi! I'll be hosting Lair from 6:30 - 8pm - if you join the queue and it is empty, feel free to just hop into the Zoom: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/91448158825?pwd=M0R4eW5iOE90UENxY2xQV1hXN3B2UT09
Abena Ofosu
May 21, 12:02 PM
12 - 1:30 pm. Please hop on this link: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/6154830952?pwd=MzllNUhsRHZwMmVxOE9lNHc0OW5KZz09
Zandreas Benitez
May 21, 2:57 PM
Hello, is there a zoom link I can enter?
Zandreas Benitez
May 21, 2:59 PM
Habeeb Jimoh
May 21, 2:59 PM
Habeeb Jimoh
May 21, 3:00 PM
join the call
Zandreas Benitez
May 21, 3:00 PM
I would like to join the zoom link but I haven'
Zandreas Benitez
May 21, 3:00 PM
t been given one. There is only an old zoom link from 12-1:30pm.
Zandreas Benitez
May 21, 3:01 PM
Can you send a link for me to join? There is no link at the moment.
Habeeb Jimoh
May 21, 3:02 PM