We are experiencing intermittent issues with Stanford Authentcation.
If you are having issues logging in via Stanford Auth, simply click here to register a QueueStatus account, or log in if you already have an account.
Reach out to support@queuestatus.com if you are still experiencing issues.
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Active Servers:
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Prerna Khullar
Jan 23, 3:43 PM
Are there office hours right now?
Felipe Godoy
Jan 12, 9:13 AM
Hi yes, I'm trying to open the queue but it's not working. Here's the link: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/96169319807?pwd=QUhtSDFNbzZFWlpCbXk3RzZ5bk5nUT09
Hi all, I'm having trouble opening the queue, but please join this link https://stanford.zoom.us/j/9697453502?pwd=SjhFTi90Tmp5eUxKMUthRVM0S2ZIQT09 if you want to join OH!
Contact Information
To contact QueueStatus, send us an email: support@queuestatus.com