We are experiencing intermittent issues with Stanford Authentcation.
If you are having issues logging in via Stanford Auth, simply click here to register a QueueStatus account, or log in if you already have an account.
Reach out to support@queuestatus.com if you are still experiencing issues.
If you're having issues with Stanford zoom credentials, try setting up your account at https://stanford.zoom.us/
Bryan Yang
81 days, 8 hours, 52 mins ago
Please include your name and whether you're on zoom or in person when signing up for the queue.
Rohit Makhija
Dec 4, 3:10 PM
Hi - is OH happening today?
Bryan Yang
Dec 4, 3:14 PM
Oh sorry missed this, hopping on now
Mike Liao
Dec 4, 4:24 PM
Hi I joined late today. is OH still going on now? I currently on Zoom.
Rohit Makhija
Dec 4, 4:29 PM
Hi Bryan - Thanks for the help earlier. I debugged that issue in P4 we couldn't nail down together. You intuition was correct. The issue was an indexing bug in updating my H matrix.
Bryan Yang
Dec 4, 4:33 PM
Great to hear, glad you figured it out
Dhruvil Darji
Dec 4, 4:34 PM
Can you please let me in?
Contact Information
To contact QueueStatus, send us an email: support@queuestatus.com