We are experiencing intermittent issues with Stanford Authentcation.
If you are having issues logging in via Stanford Auth, simply click here to register a QueueStatus account, or log in if you already have an account.
Reach out to support@queuestatus.com if you are still experiencing issues.
If you're having issues with Stanford zoom credentials, try setting up your account at https://stanford.zoom.us/
Bryan Yang
181 days, 15 hours, 58 mins ago
Please include your name and whether you're on zoom or in person when signing up for the queue.
Rohit Makhija
Dec 4, 3:10 PM
Hi - is OH happening today?
Bryan Yang
Dec 4, 3:14 PM
Oh sorry missed this, hopping on now
Mike Liao
Dec 4, 4:24 PM
Hi I joined late today. is OH still going on now? I currently on Zoom.
Rohit Makhija
Dec 4, 4:29 PM
Hi Bryan - Thanks for the help earlier. I debugged that issue in P4 we couldn't nail down together. You intuition was correct. The issue was an indexing bug in updating my H matrix.
Bryan Yang
Dec 4, 4:33 PM
Great to hear, glad you figured it out
Dhruvil Darji
Dec 4, 4:34 PM
Can you please let me in?
Contact Information
To contact QueueStatus, send us an email: support@queuestatus.com