We are experiencing intermittent issues with Stanford Authentcation.
If you are having issues logging in via Stanford Auth, simply click here to register a QueueStatus account, or log in if you already have an account.
Reach out to support@queuestatus.com if you are still experiencing issues.
Show Active Servers
Active Servers:
Pooja Sethi
1:03 PM
1:27 PM
Server: Kelly kcochran@stanford.edu
Joel Ramirez
278 days, 1 hour, 36 mins ago
Welcome to "Working" Office Hours for CS 109! As you use this time to work through the course material, feel free to join the queue whenever you have a question. Please periodically check the QueueStatus chat and announcements in case we need to communicate with you. Also, note that only office hours explicitly marked "Zoom" in the OH calendar can be attended virtually by any student. SCPD students are free to join any OH virtually; make sure to provide you're own zoom link!
Hi there,
Pooja Sethi is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Pooja Sethi's Personal Meeting Room
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/9770842714?pwd=RE5QakliaSt5emsyam1XNTl2YTQrdz09
Password: 547264
Pooja Sethi
Aug 17, 1:06 PM
Hope this works :)
Contact Information
To contact QueueStatus, send us an email: support@queuestatus.com