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Active Servers:


Gianna Uyemura
Screen shot 2022 05 26 at 4.55.08 pm
6:19 PM
6:22 PM

Server: Colin Schultz
There are currently no announcements.
Mark Marquez
May 17, 3:00 PM
hi, just to confirm.. the queue was opened early today? Just joined and it says I'm number 9. just want to be sure this is accurate
Fabio Ibanez
May 17, 3:00 PM
Mark Marquez
May 17, 3:00 PM
alright, thanks
Mark Marquez
May 17, 4:48 PM
just to confirm, will everyone in the queue be helped? Or will OH stop at 5?
Mark Marquez
May 17, 5:13 PM
can someone please ask tejas?
Shray Alag
May 21, 5:46 PM
Hi, Colin, Devanshu and I will be there in just a few minutes?
Colin Schultz
May 21, 5:47 PM
Please sign up when you get here, the queue is moving fast
Colin Schultz
May 30, 4:35 PM
If you still want help, please come to the cs143 table!
Colin Schultz
May 30, 4:35 PM
I'll have to head out soon
Lucas Bosman
May 31, 1:55 PM
Hey Tejas, I am on Atindra's laptop