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Suzannah Wistreich
3:23 PM
3:54 PM

Server: Jenny Xu
Rohan Davidi
4:43 PM
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Evy Shen
5:08 PM

Ananya Siri Vasireddy
5:29 PM

Firat Taxpulat
5:55 PM

Cem Gokmen
314 days, 12 hours, 36 mins ago

Welcome to the CS231N Office Hours Queue! Zoom office hours will be held at - you will be invited into a breakout room when it's your turn, so keep an eye out! In person hours are at the Huang Building basement.
Raghav Ganesh
May 7, 3:09 PM
Hi Mia, are you at Huang right now?
Kyle Hu
May 7, 5:01 PM
I'll be there in a sec
Kyle Hu
May 7, 5:05 PM
Did I get removed from the queue?
Anwesha Mukherjee
May 7, 5:20 PM
Mohamed are you here?
Kyle Hu
May 7, 9:02 PM
Am I still in the queue
Kyle Hu
May 8, 11:45 AM
I'm at lunch. If I'm not there, please skip me
Kyle Hu
May 8, 11:45 AM
Oh, and if I'm not there, can you please remove me from the queue so I can sign back up later?
Kyle Hu
May 8, 2:03 PM
Can you please remove me from the queue so I can sign up again?
Michael Maffezzoli
May 8, 2:50 PM
Am I actually 6th in the queue or is the queue messed up. I am working upstairs in the library and don't want to miss it
Sanjana Srivastava
May 8, 4:23 PM
Hi Umut, are you in Huang basement?
Sanjana Srivastava
May 8, 5:10 PM
Hi Priyanka, are you in Huang?
Sanjana Srivastava
May 8, 5:15 PM
Hi Jeff, are you in Huang?
Andrew Lesh
May 8, 5:52 PM
I'm joining the queue for the zoom OH
Kyle Hu
May 8, 6:26 PM
Kyle Hu
May 8, 7:30 PM
Hi, are we in the right zoom?
Tarun Martheswaran
May 8, 7:33 PM
Raghav Garg
May 8, 7:37 PM
hi Lisa are you able to join the breakout?
Tarun Martheswaran
May 8, 8:05 PM
How do I join the breakout?
Brian Liu
May 8, 8:40 PM
Raghav Ganesh
May 9, 2:15 PM
Hi Camila, are you at Huang?
Camila Nicollier Sanchez
May 9, 2:16 PM
Hey! Yes! But I'm in the queue for the project with out mentor Lucas! feel free to skip me :)
Camila Nicollier Sanchez
May 9, 2:16 PM
our mentor*
Raghav Ganesh
May 9, 2:30 PM
ah ok
Hangfei Lin
May 11, 12:07 PM
hi, does anyone know if using stanford edu zoom acct is required? Somehow i can't open up zoom with my stanford edu account(I am SCPD student). Using my personal email seems not working for the OH zoom.
Kyle Sargent
May 13, 9:37 AM
BTW if you are joining for project mentor advice, please indicate in your summary which CA you are planning to chat with
Kyle Sargent
May 13, 9:52 AM
@kathryn @poonam with which TA do you need to meet / can you join the zoom?
Kyle Sargent
May 13, 9:52 AM
also @mohamed
Kathryn Garcia
May 13, 9:54 AM
Just joined!
Chengshu Li
May 13, 5:52 PM
Yijia, are you in the Huang basement?
Yijia Wang
May 13, 6:01 PM
Hi Chengshu, I'm waiting for the zoom office hour online.
Raghav Ganesh
May 14, 2:13 PM
Hi Ashna, are you at Huang?
Sanjana Srivastava
May 14, 3:09 PM
Hi Felicity, are you at Huang?
Felicity Huang
May 14, 3:12 PM
yes im here
Chengshu Li
May 14, 4:17 PM
Nathan, are you still around to discuss the project?
Ching Hsuan Ho
May 14, 7:06 PM
Can you add me to the breakout room?
Sandy Chen
May 15, 10:17 AM
I am on my way now. Will be there soon.
Sandy Chen
May 15, 10:31 AM
where the is the table?
Sanjana Srivastava
May 15, 4:33 PM
Hi Jiayang, are you in Huang?
Sanjana Srivastava
May 15, 4:34 PM
Hi Nomin, are you in Huang?
Arunima Srivastav
May 16, 2:08 PM
are there zoom office hours right now?
Carlo Dino
May 16, 2:10 PM
Where is the OH table?
Anwesha Mukherjee
May 16, 2:21 PM
center table closest to the offices if you haven't found it yet
Lucas Leanza
May 16, 2:23 PM
Hey Carlo, are you here?
Lucas Leanza
May 16, 2:25 PM
Feel free to come to the table and I'd be happy to see you next
Carlo Dino
May 16, 2:26 PM
Carlo Dino
May 16, 2:26 PM
where is the table?
Raghav Ganesh
May 16, 2:36 PM
Hi Zijian, are you at Huang?
Lucas Leanza
May 17, 10:45 AM
Arunima, are you here?
Lucas Leanza
May 17, 10:45 AM
I'll skip you momentarily until you come
Cem Gokmen
May 17, 3:13 PM
Hi Firat, I can't do a Zoom call right now, my OH is in person, I dont have headphones etc. - please send me an email to schedule a zoom call next week
Firat Taxpulat
May 17, 3:15 PM
Ok no problem I was able to talk to Nikhil yesterday about the feedback you gave me regarding my final project and how I planned to conduct my final project based on your feedback. Nikhil liked my idea for my final project and how I incorporated your feedback, and we both thought it would be a good idea to talk through my final project idea with you
Cem Gokmen
May 17, 3:16 PM
Sure, Im glad he was able to help. Looking forward to reading the milestone.
Firat Taxpulat
May 17, 3:16 PM
Great thanks for your continued help!
Chaitanya Patel
May 17, 4:33 PM
@Humishka, you are in the queue but I am not able to find you here in huang.
Humishka Zope
May 17, 4:37 PM
whoops, wrong class sorry!
Humishka Zope
May 17, 4:38 PM
you can get rid of me
Josiah Wong
May 21, 10:15 AM
Hi @Ernesto, sorry for the delay -- can you come to the CS231N table for OH? (the table near the windows)
Sanjana Srivastava
May 21, 3:35 PM
Hey Rochelle, are you at Huang?
Anwesha Mukherjee
May 21, 4:02 PM
Hi Anubha, give me one moment to open up the Zoom
Anwesha Mukherjee
May 21, 4:16 PM
Jesus are you in Huang?
Chengshu Li
May 21, 4:55 PM
Lisa are you at Huang?
Chengshu Li
May 21, 4:56 PM
Lisa - in case you want to find us, we are at a table near the window
Raghav Ganesh
May 21, 8:36 PM
Hi Yash, sorry I just saw you on the queue, feel free to join back, there's no one in Zoom rn
Nomin-Erdene Bayarsaikhan
May 22, 11:06 AM
Hello! Would it be possible to get help via Zoom? I can't make it to the in-person office hours, unfortunately.
Chaitanya Patel
May 22, 11:14 AM
I can not look at equations or code on zoom because there is no good setup here in Huang. But I can talk about conceptual stuff. Let me know if you still want to go with it.
Nomin-Erdene Bayarsaikhan
May 22, 11:14 AM
Yup, sounds good!
Nomin-Erdene Bayarsaikhan
May 22, 11:18 AM
I just have a few questions from the inline questions
Sanjana Srivastava
May 22, 5:49 PM
Hey Andrew, are you in Huang?
Yash Taneja
May 22, 7:35 PM
Are Zoom office hours active right now?
Raghav Garg
May 22, 7:45 PM
Lucas Leanza
May 23, 1:59 PM
Hi Bruno, are you here?
Lucas Leanza
May 23, 2:02 PM
I'm going to skip you until you're here. Thank you!
Raghav Ganesh
May 23, 2:53 PM
Hi Xianchen! We are near the TCP room in Huang
Raghav Ganesh
May 23, 2:55 PM
Hi Joseph are you at Huang?
Joseph Tey
May 23, 2:56 PM
yes, i am
Joseph Tey
May 23, 2:56 PM
where are you
Raghav Ganesh
May 23, 2:56 PM
We are near the TCP room
Joseph Tey
May 23, 2:58 PM
Where is that ?
Lucas Leanza
May 23, 3:04 PM
it's at the end of the basement, next to the stairs
Lucas Leanza
May 23, 3:08 PM
Hey Thodsawit, are you here?
Thodsawit Tiyarattanachai
May 23, 3:11 PM
Thodsawit Tiyarattanachai
May 23, 3:13 PM
Which table are you at?
Lucas Leanza
May 23, 3:14 PM
it's at the end of the basement, next to the stairs
Fang Shu
May 24, 6:15 PM
Hi, may I ask if the queue is moving?
Nikil Ravi
May 24, 6:28 PM
Hi Fang, yes, finished with 3 people before you, just that the order switched up a bit. I'm going to invite you into a breakout room now
David Yin
May 28, 11:23 AM
hi Josiah, ill be joining on zoom if thats ok
Josiah Wong
May 28, 11:25 AM
HI David, let me join zoom now
Kyle Hu
May 28, 2:02 PM
i'm not there yet
Kyle Hu
May 28, 2:02 PM
skip me
Kyle Hu
May 28, 2:03 PM
i'll be there in about 10-15 minutes
Kyle Hu
May 28, 2:21 PM
I'm here
Raghav Ganesh
May 28, 2:41 PM
Hi Salman, are you at Huang?
Sanjana Srivastava
May 28, 3:29 PM
Hi Lucia, are you at Huang?
Anwesha Mukherjee
May 28, 4:22 PM
Rikhil, drop a chat when you're ready just so I know!
Rikhil Vagadia
May 28, 4:26 PM
hi anwesha! we are ready whenever u are
Anwesha Mukherjee
May 28, 4:36 PM
Ok I shall join you guys in 3-4 minutes
Anwesha Mukherjee
May 28, 5:17 PM
Stanley Cao
May 28, 5:21 PM
Hi, is it possible to join remotely? I can send a zoom link
Anwesha Mukherjee
May 28, 5:40 PM
Stanely, if possible, I would join the 7-9pm OH as we'll have 2 TA's available remotely then.
Anwesha Mukherjee
May 28, 5:44 PM
Rohan, Chengshu's OH have ended today unfortunately and he had to rush out. Would you want to perhaps send him an email to meet outside of OH time?
Tiange Xiang
May 28, 7:09 PM
Hi Ishvi and Joseph, Wenlong is coming in a minute. If you want to discuss something other than the project, I can also help :)
Joseph Tey
May 28, 7:18 PM
Would like to speak to Wenlong when he's ready but happy to have a quick chat too! It's a technical question so any help would be useful
Tiange Xiang
May 28, 7:21 PM
Sounds good! Are you on zoom?
Joseph Tey
May 28, 7:25 PM
Tiange Xiang
May 28, 7:57 PM
hey Eric, are you on zoom?
Nikil Ravi
May 28, 7:58 PM
Sureen are you on Zoom?
Joseph Tey
May 28, 8:14 PM
Tiange! I got it working. 729 = number of patches!
Tiange Xiang
May 28, 8:30 PM
nice! good to know!
Jenny Xu
May 29, 3:15 PM
Hi Mia, are you at Huang?
Mia Penfold
May 29, 3:19 PM
Mia Penfold
May 29, 3:19 PM
Mia Penfold
May 29, 3:20 PM
im tan the high tables
Mia Penfold
May 29, 3:20 PM
Raghav Garg
May 29, 4:02 PM
Parnian, can you join the zoom?
Raghav Garg
May 29, 4:03 PM
@parnian, will circle back to you
Sanjana Srivastava
May 29, 4:03 PM
Hi Andrew, are you in Huang?
Kyle Hu
May 29, 4:15 PM
Will there not be Zoom office hours at 7-9?
Parnian Azizian
May 29, 4:16 PM
Thanks Raghav, I'm in Zoom now
Sanjana Srivastava
May 29, 4:34 PM
Hi Rochelle, are you in Huang?
Kyle Hu
May 29, 4:52 PM
here for Zoom OH
Sanjana Srivastava
May 29, 5:01 PM
Hi Alice, are you in Huang?
Yijia Wang
May 29, 5:07 PM
Hi Tiange Xiang, I see the system shows you are in process of answering my question (in onsite office hour). However, I am waiting in the queue for zoom office hour online. Thank you very much.
Tiange Xiang
May 29, 5:29 PM
Hi Yijia, I am connecting rn
Sanjana Srivastava
May 29, 5:32 PM
Hi Evy, are you still in Huang?
Lucas Leanza
May 30, 2:05 PM
Hey Samrat, are you here? I'll temporarily skip you until you get here
Lucas Leanza
May 30, 2:06 PM
Same for you Abhi :)
Raghav Ganesh
May 30, 2:24 PM
Hi Kyle, are you at OH?
Raghav Ganesh
May 30, 2:38 PM
Hi Andrew, are you at OH?
Andrew Lesh
May 30, 2:42 PM
Yes! Sorry, I didn't hear you call my name
Andrew Lesh
May 30, 2:42 PM
I'm wearing a wide-brimmed hat at the other table (closer to CME 100)
Andrew Lesh
May 30, 2:50 PM
at the main table now
Lucas Leanza
May 30, 2:59 PM
Ngorli are you here?
Lucas Leanza
May 30, 3:07 PM
Hey Parnian, are you here?
Lucas Leanza
May 30, 3:14 PM
I'll skip you momentarily - let me know when you get here!
Raghav Ganesh
May 30, 3:20 PM
Hi Sunny are you at OH?
Raghav Ganesh
May 30, 3:22 PM
Hi Arunima, are you at Huang?
Saumya Goyal
May 30, 4:13 PM
Hi Devan are you at Huang?
Devan Agrawal
May 30, 4:25 PM
Hi Saumya! Sorry I did not see this message, I was on Zoom but I actually just fixed what I needed help with. Thanks :)
Kyle Hu
May 30, 7:02 PM
skip me, i'll be away until aruound 7:10 or 7:15 or later
Kyle Hu
May 30, 7:09 PM
Skip me, I'll be away until 7:20 or later
Kyle Hu
May 30, 7:25 PM
ok here again, until 7:48
Arunima Srivastav
May 30, 7:43 PM
is there a queue
Arunima Srivastav
May 30, 7:43 PM
im online?
Kyle Hu
May 30, 7:44 PM
i'm not sure
Kyle Hu
May 30, 7:44 PM
it seemed it was going backwards
Kyle Hu
May 30, 7:44 PM
a reverse queue
Kyle Hu
May 30, 7:49 PM
nvm, i want to stay on queue, but i will be away until around 8:15-ish?
Kyle Hu
May 30, 7:49 PM
just skip me
Kathryn Garcia
May 30, 7:57 PM
Hi, I just joined the zoom
Kyle Hu
May 30, 8:00 PM
update: away until indeterminate. i'll message here when i'm back
Kathryn Garcia
May 30, 8:08 PM
Sorry I was muted and didn't realize
Kathryn Garcia
May 30, 8:08 PM
Can I re-join
Shweta Agrawal
May 30, 8:14 PM
is anyone still available for OH
Kyle Hu
May 30, 8:53 PM
i am back
Kyle Hu
May 31, 4:59 PM
I'll be away from 5-5:20
Shweta Agrawal
May 31, 5:51 PM
Is there Nikil's OH today
Nikil Ravi
May 31, 6:07 PM
Yep, please join the queue!
Nikil Ravi
May 31, 6:07 PM
I'm on Zoom
Anwesha Mukherjee
Jun 3, 10:20 AM
Ayesha, I accidentally started you, readding you to queue myself though
Ayesha Khawaja
Jun 3, 10:28 AM
All good!
Yuanting Pan
Jun 3, 11:02 AM
how to join queue
Yuanting Pan
Jun 3, 11:05 AM
figured out
Jenny Xu
Jun 3, 2:03 PM
Hi Anshu, I am hosting today's OH on Zoom, please join Zoom once you are ready!
Chengshu Li
Jun 3, 4:07 PM
Hi Rohan, are you at Huang?
Josiah Wong
Jun 3, 4:15 PM
Hi Danica, are you at Huang?
Josiah Wong
Jun 3, 4:29 PM
Jun Yang, are you at Huang?
Jun Yang Ang
Jun 3, 4:29 PM
yes i am! where's the 231n table?
Josiah Wong
Jun 3, 4:30 PM
We're at the front left
Chengshu Li
Jun 3, 4:34 PM
Hi Danica, are you at Huang?
Josiah Wong
Jun 4, 12:09 PM
Hi Rohan, can you join the zoom link
Sanjana Srivastava
Jun 4, 3:02 PM
Hi Nick, are you in Huang?
Nick Riedman
Jun 4, 3:10 PM
Hi! Yes I am -- where is the OH again? I looked around a bit but didn't see the CS231n on any whiteboards.
Anwesha Mukherjee
Jun 4, 5:05 PM
Ricky, I'm waiting on Zoom.
Anwesha Mukherjee
Jun 4, 5:09 PM
Rickhil, feel free to hop on the Zoom.
Ricky Parada
Jun 4, 5:10 PM
Just fixed my issue, thanks Anwesha
Evy Shen
Jun 4, 5:22 PM
where is in person office hours?
Rohan Davidi
Jun 4, 5:34 PM
Is there in-person in Huang rn?
Rohan Davidi
Jun 4, 5:34 PM
whoops same question
Christo Hristov
Jun 5, 2:14 PM
Is there in person office hours rn in Huang?
Jenny Xu
Jun 5, 2:16 PM
Yes, my OH is in Huang happening now. We can also do Zoom if you prefer.
Jenny Xu
Jun 5, 3:37 PM
Hi Suzannah, are you in Huang?
Suzannah Wistreich
Jun 5, 3:39 PM
Hi! Sorry yes but at the wrong table, heading over now