We are experiencing intermittent issues with Stanford Authentcation.
If you are having issues logging in via Stanford Auth, simply click here to register a QueueStatus account, or log in if you already have an account.
Reach out to support@queuestatus.com if you are still experiencing issues.
Show Active Servers
Active Servers:
Gianna Uyemura
11:05 AM
11:07 AM
Server: Suresh Nambi
Suresh Nambi
424 days, 4 hours, 4 mins ago
Meeting code for all office hours is 000212 on Zoom. I will prioritize students who visit me in person for my office hours
Alex Lopez
Jan 16, 11:11 AM
Hi! Do I share a meeting code or is there one for your zoom session?
a w
Jan 16, 11:26 AM
Yeah, is there a meeting code?
Alex Lopez
Jan 16, 11:32 AM
Yep I'm prompted for one when I click the link on the course page.
Gianna Uyemura
Jan 25, 11:09 AM
Is there a code for the Zoom?
Suresh Nambi
Jan 30, 10:55 AM
The code for zoom is 000212
Contact Information
To contact QueueStatus, send us an email: support@queuestatus.com