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Active Servers:


Dorra Jedoui
2:23 PM
2:41 PM

Server: Swayam Parida
Ayelet Drazen
726 days, 2 hours, 42 mins ago

Welcome to CS111 Office Hours! When you sign up in the queue, please indicate your location in Huang Basement. (We will try to have a general CS111 table, but feel free to sit anywhere you feel comfortable.) We will come to you when it is your turn to be helped. 1:1 help is limited in time to ensure we can help as many people as possible. Please fill out the QueueStatus questions so that we can effectively help you! If you are an SCPD student, you will be helped over Zoom. Attending office hours through Zoom is reserved for SCPD students or students with extenuating circumstances.
Isabel Michel
Jun 8, 1:03 PM
Hi Sumer! Should I send you a Zoom link?
Sumer Kohli
Jun 8, 1:03 PM
@ everyone please note that OH for today afternoon (1-3 PM) is remote
Sumer Kohli
Jun 8, 1:04 PM
No worries, I can create one
Sumer Kohli
Jun 8, 1:04 PM
Sumer Kohli
Jun 8, 1:16 PM
@Nick please join above link
Sumer Kohli
Jun 8, 1:16 PM
Sumer Kohli
Jun 8, 1:22 PM
@Dorra please join above link
Isaac Gorelik
Jun 8, 5:25 PM
Maurice, are you here yet?
Isaac Gorelik
Jun 8, 5:25 PM
Skipping you for now
Stephen Su
Jun 8, 6:16 PM
Hi- could i do this through zoom?
Isaac Gorelik
Jun 8, 6:21 PM
I'm with a student in person right now, I'll get to you in a minute Stephen
Swayam Parida
Jun 9, 2:10 PM
@Alec, I'm running a little late, should be there in next 10 mins or so