Show Active Servers

Active Servers:


Kyle Hatch
11:42 AM
1:32 PM

Server: Elliott Chartock
Ya Le
2308 days, 10 hours, 15 mins ago

Please join the Google Hangout meeting when your name is called. Hangout link:
Ya Le
Jul 1, 10:35 AM
Hi McDavis, I have some problem joining the meeting
Ya Le
Jul 1, 10:36 AM
can you join this meeting?
Ya Le
Jul 1, 10:36 AM
Ya Le
Jul 12, 9:55 PM
@Angela: I'll be right with you. I am working with an on-campus student.
Ya Le
Jul 12, 9:59 PM
@Angela: please join the hangout link listed in the announcement
Ya Le
Jul 12, 10:17 PM
@Angela: sorry but I have to go. Feel free to post your questions on Piazza and we usually respond within a day.
Kyle Hatch
Jul 19, 11:23 AM
How do I join the queue?
Elliott Chartock
Jul 19, 11:33 AM
Join the hangout link listed in the announcement
Ya Le
Jul 19, 9:53 PM
@McDavis: I'm in the meeting
Ya Le
Jul 19, 9:53 PM
Join the hangout link listed in the announcement
Elliott Chartock
Jul 26, 11:39 AM
@Kyle: Join the google hangout
Kyle Hatch
Aug 2, 11:30 AM
Hey could you open the queue?
Kyle Hatch
Aug 2, 11:50 AM
There's a red box around my name, what does that mean?
Elliott Chartock
Aug 2, 11:52 AM
It means I'm helping you right now! join the google hangout please