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Uche Ochuba
1:02 PM
1:45 PM

Server: Ben Heller
Ayelet Drazen
1095 days, 1 hour, 55 mins ago

Welcome to CS111 Office Hours! When you sign up in the queue, please indicate your location in Huang Basement. (We will also have a general CS111 table, but feel free to sit anywhere you feel comfortable.) We will come to you when it is your turn to be helped. 1:1 help is limited in time to ensure we can help as many people as possible. Please fill out the QueueStatus questions so that we can effectively help you!
Jeffery Shen
Apr 3, 5:01 PM
Hi CAs, my ankle is broken and I can't make it to huang
Jeffery Shen
Apr 3, 5:01 PM
Can I join virtually?
Jeffery Shen
Apr 3, 5:31 PM if possible
Jack Nichols
Apr 3, 5:47 PM
Hi Jeffrey, we're not supporting virtual appointments right by... sorry! Please reach out on Ed or email me
Jeffery Shen
Apr 3, 5:51 PM
Xiaokun Chen
Apr 5, 5:18 PM
hey, CAs, I see my position was cancelled
Xiaokun Chen
Apr 5, 5:19 PM
but I am at the high table corner?
Canwen Jiao
Apr 6, 4:45 PM
@Jonathan, you don't seem to be here so I'll help the next person. You can come back 7pm :)
Jonathan Coronado
Apr 6, 4:46 PM
I'm behind the whiteboard
Becca Crosse
Apr 6, 7:03 PM
could I be skipped and go next im in the middle of coding something
Becca Crosse
Apr 6, 7:03 PM
I dont want to use up time
Canwen Jiao
Apr 6, 7:08 PM
Becca and Eli, could you call me when you get to Huang?
Maddy Bernstein
Apr 7, 1:03 PM
Hi! Everyone who's here for the 1pm office hours, could you try to find us in the middle of the room. We're hoping we can cover some similar questions all at once
Jack Nichols
Apr 7, 1:08 PM
@Kunwoo wya
Jack Nichols
Apr 7, 1:18 PM
@Miro wya
Jack Nichols
Apr 7, 1:19 PM
@Miro skipping you for now
Jack Nichols
Apr 7, 2:02 PM
@jordan are you here?
Jack Nichols
Apr 7, 2:39 PM
@Andrew are you here?
Andrew Chen
Apr 7, 2:56 PM
Yes, I am here
Andrew Chen
Apr 7, 2:56 PM
Andrew Chen
Apr 7, 2:56 PM
I'm so sorry the chat was blocked
Andrew Chen
Apr 7, 2:57 PM
I've been waiting for 1 hour 10 mins, is help still available?
Maddy Bernstein
Apr 11, 1:32 PM
Everyone looking for help getting started, I'm happy to work with yall in front of a whiteboard
Ryan Dwyer
Apr 12, 12:32 PM
ah sorry im not in huang yet, was thinking id get placed further back lol. will be there after i finish luncg
Ryan Dwyer
Apr 12, 12:32 PM
Jack Nichols
Apr 12, 12:37 PM
Jack Nichols
Apr 12, 12:55 PM
comment when you're back @ryan
Ryan Dwyer
Apr 12, 1:16 PM
im back now
Kunwoo Kim
Apr 12, 2:39 PM
Hi, I think I can't make the OH before my meeting, but I dont
Kunwoo Kim
Apr 12, 2:39 PM
know how to get myself out of the queue, so leaving a message here! Thank you!
Caroline Cahilly
Apr 12, 2:59 PM
Hi Ailyn! I'm specifically sitting right outside the PRL.
Caroline Cahilly
Apr 12, 2:59 PM
(I know I'm still in the queue I just don't want to miss when it's my turn so I figured I'd send something now)
JJ Sutton
Apr 13, 3:28 PM
Is the queue intentionally closed?
Ahmed Ahmed
Apr 13, 4:04 PM
Hi all, I'm at one of the tables in the center. Let me know where I can find you all
Marco Pizarro
Apr 13, 4:40 PM
I'm on the bench near the wall of sponsors. lmk where I should be
Canwen Jiao
Apr 13, 8:38 PM
Hi Michel Dellepere, seems that you are not in Huang, would you text in the chat when you come?
Jack Nichols
Apr 14, 1:08 PM
@josue wya
Maddy Bernstein
Apr 14, 2:44 PM
@rohan wya?
Swayam Parida
Apr 17, 4:19 PM
@Khaled, where exactly are you?
Maddy Bernstein
Apr 18, 1:32 PM
@cole, where are you?
Jack Nichols
Apr 19, 1:42 PM
@cole, wya?
Jack Nichols
Apr 19, 1:43 PM
Cole, I can't find you. Please message here.
Ailyn Tong
Apr 19, 4:03 PM
I’m closing the queue for today(2-4); Jerry will be holding his OH until 5
Canwen Jiao
Apr 20, 3:37 PM
Hi Jordan Andy Paredes, please message here, I cannot find you.
Maddy Bernstein
Apr 28, 2:55 PM
Hi Rohan, I'm on the zoom but I don't see you.
Ailyn Tong
May 10, 2:01 PM
i'll be going through the in-person people from 2-4!
Russell Lacara
May 10, 2:02 PM
hey ailyn, you can just skip me. im not at huang right now so im just waiting to join swayam's zoom
Ailyn Tong
May 10, 2:11 PM
Becca are you still in huang?
Ryan Dwyer
May 10, 2:13 PM
Oh wit we're supposed to be in huang for ailyn? Oops I'm not there, you can just skip me for now
Swayam Parida
May 10, 2:40 PM
Hey Ryan, I know you were online for my OH so I can help you online if you want
Matan Abrams
May 10, 2:51 PM
I'm here now
Ailyn Tong
May 10, 2:57 PM
I’ll get to you after!
Ailyn Tong
May 10, 3:20 PM
Marc Anthony and June, please lmk if you’re still in huang
Swayam Parida
May 10, 7:07 PM
Hey @Jordan, if you don't mind being helped online, I can help you over Zoom
Matan Abrams
May 10, 7:15 PM
I am now in room 20 conference room
Swayam Parida
May 10, 7:37 PM
@Gayatridevi, if you join the Zoom link in announcements, I can help you online
Swayam Parida
May 11, 3:36 PM
@Ryan, if you could join the Zoom link in announcements, I can help you online
Ryan Dwyer
May 11, 3:36 PM
joining now
Rachel Yu
May 11, 3:37 PM
Hi, I saw my name was skipped, will I be in the queue later?
Sophie Decoppet
May 11, 3:41 PM
@Rachel, if you could join the Zoom link in announcements, I can help you online
Rachel Yu
May 11, 3:42 PM
Sophie Decoppet
May 11, 4:01 PM
@JJ if you could join the Zoom link in announcements, I can help you online
Swayam Parida
May 11, 4:15 PM
@Ari, if you'd like to be helped now, I can take you on the Zoom link in announcements
Sophie Decoppet
May 11, 4:19 PM
@Sahit, if you'd like to be helped now, I can take you on the Zoom link in announcements
Sophie Decoppet
May 11, 4:21 PM
@Haven, if you'd like to be helped now, I can take you on the Zoom link in announcements
Swayam Parida
May 11, 4:24 PM
@Esteban, wanna be helped on Zoom?
Swayam Parida
May 11, 4:27 PM
@Gayatri, wanna be helped on Zoom?
Gayatridevi Tarcar
May 11, 4:28 PM
yes! where can i get the link
Swayam Parida
May 11, 4:29 PM
It's in announcements
Canwen Jiao
May 11, 4:48 PM
Hi Rohan, I cannot find you, please message here.
Ishita Mangla
May 11, 4:56 PM
Hi -- I'm still in the queue; will I have to come back at 7 if my turn doesn't come by 5 pm?
Sophie Decoppet
May 11, 4:57 PM
Hi Ishita, we'll finish the queue even if it's past 5pm
Ishita Mangla
May 11, 4:58 PM
Ah okay, thanks so much Sophie!
Sophie Decoppet
May 11, 4:58 PM
@Minh, if you'd like to be helped now, I can take you on the Zoom link in announcements
Sophie Decoppet
May 11, 5:09 PM
@Olayinka, if you'd like to be helped now, I can take you on the Zoom link in announcements
Ishita Mangla
May 11, 5:10 PM
Hi Sophie, I think I got skipped over? Please let me know!
Ishita Mangla
May 11, 5:10 PM
It shows that I'm up next
Sophie Decoppet
May 11, 5:11 PM
Hi Ishita, i'm actually helping someone who got skipped in the queue. I'll help you as soon as i'm done!
Ishita Mangla
May 11, 5:11 PM
No worries, sorry about that!
ola adekola
May 11, 5:11 PM
hi i am on the link
Sidhart Krishnan
May 11, 5:12 PM
Hi it says that the queuestatus is closed, is it not possible to sign up for OH right now?
ola adekola
May 11, 5:12 PM
it says i am waiting on the host to let me in @sophie
Swayam Parida
May 11, 5:35 PM
@Sidhart, I'm trying to get through the people already in the queue; if I manage to do that, then I'll open the queue back up
Swayam Parida
May 11, 5:35 PM
Otherwise the queue should be reopened at 7 when 2 other TAs will be having office hours
Swayam Parida
May 11, 5:35 PM
@Joshua, can you join on Zoom?
Swayam Parida
May 11, 5:37 PM
@Sahit, could you join online?
Swayam Parida
May 11, 6:40 PM
Hey @Ramya, can you join online?
Carmen Strassle
May 11, 6:43 PM
hey swayam, I'm online waiting for the host to let me in
Ryan Dwyer
May 11, 7:08 PM
I just left huang since I thought I was going to be able to do virtual with Swayam. Is there any way I could hop on Zoom when my turn comes?
Ryan Dwyer
May 11, 7:16 PM
Also Ben I think you skipped me. I've been waiting since like 5
Ryan Dwyer
May 11, 7:25 PM
Swayam Parida
May 13, 1:01 PM
Hey Michel, if you don't mind being helped online, I can help you on the Zoom link in announcements.
Michel Dellepere
May 13, 1:02 PM
Hey is it fine if I wait for Ben I'd just prefer in person if possible
Swayam Parida
May 13, 1:03 PM
Sure, that's totally fine
Michel Dellepere
May 13, 1:03 PM
Swayam Parida
May 13, 1:04 PM
@Nikesh, would you like to be helped online?
Nikesh Mishra
May 13, 1:04 PM
Hi Swayam, I'm having some trouble with Zoom right now. At this time, I will also wait for Ben.
Swayam Parida
May 13, 1:05 PM
Sounds good
Swayam Parida
May 13, 1:07 PM
@Jeffery, I can take you online if you'd like
Jeffery Shen
May 13, 1:10 PM
Okay, that works
Jeffery Shen
May 13, 1:10 PM
Where should I join?
Swayam Parida
May 13, 1:10 PM
The link's in announcements
Swayam Parida
May 13, 1:35 PM
@Samuel, wanna be helped on Zoom?
Swayam Parida
May 13, 1:55 PM
@Hector, would you be okay being helped on Zoom?
Swayam Parida
May 13, 2:24 PM
@Jeffery, have you been helped?
Swayam Parida
May 13, 2:24 PM
If not, come back on Zoom :)
Swayam Parida
May 15, 3:01 PM
Hey everyone, Victor's running a few minutes late and I'm still in COVID isolation
Swayam Parida
May 15, 3:02 PM
So until Victor gets there, please join the Zoom link in the chat to be helped online :)
Ailyn Tong
May 16, 3:07 PM
Hi Jasmine, where are you in huang?
Jack Nichols
May 17, 2:02 PM
I'm on zoom if anyone wants to skip the line
Ailyn Tong
May 17, 3:30 PM
Xiaokun are you still in huang?
Ailyn Tong
May 17, 4:02 PM
My OH are done now, but Jerry’s will go until 5
Swayam Parida
May 17, 5:03 PM
@Wyatt, wya?
Rachel Yu
May 18, 3:04 PM
Can we join oh via zoom this time?
Swayam Parida
May 18, 4:10 PM
@Sahit, you in Huang yet?
Sahit Dendekuri
May 18, 4:18 PM
@Swayam, here
Rachel Yu
May 18, 4:26 PM
Hi Canwen, I didn't hear my name
Rachel Yu
May 18, 4:26 PM
I'm in hunag
Canwen Jiao
May 18, 4:56 PM
hi rachel are you still here?
Arjun Ramani
May 18, 8:05 PM
Hi Canwen/Ben -- I am in quarantine so have pasted a zoom link as my location -- hope that's ok
Haven Whitney
May 19, 1:01 PM
Hi @Jack @Maddy -- I'm also ill so I've linked a zoom link as well!
Jack Nichols
May 19, 1:05 PM
@Haven, can you join my zoom?
Ahmed Ahmed
May 19, 1:12 PM
Do We need to Join Zoom for these OH?
Jack Nichols
May 19, 1:25 PM
Maddy is in person and I'm on Zoom
Jack Nichols
May 19, 1:26 PM
If you're okay with Zoom help, please join the zoom. There's no one here currently
Jack Nichols
May 19, 1:27 PM
Arjun Ramani
May 19, 1:29 PM
oh great
Arjun Ramani
May 19, 1:29 PM
@Jack i'm on your zoom
Jack Nichols
May 19, 1:33 PM
perfect. I'm in a breakout room and will get you next
Maddy Bernstein
May 19, 3:11 PM
Hi if you're still waiting to be helped, I'm having trouble finding people, but if you're still here, Jack can help you on Zoom
Victor Lin
May 22, 3:17 PM
Lisette, feel free to drop a Zoom link here
Lisette Malacon
May 22, 3:19 PM
thank you so much!
Ailyn Tong
May 23, 2:54 PM
Sorry Esteban I didn’t realize you’re on zoom, ill let Maddy help you when she’s done with her current student
Maddy Bernstein
May 23, 2:57 PM
hi esteban, i dont see you in the zoom, are you still here?
Swayam Parida
May 23, 9:51 PM
@Christian, wya?
Jadon Geathers
May 24, 12:45 PM
Jack, are you in a breakout room or something?
Jack Nichols
May 24, 2:29 PM
I have to run, so zoom OH are now closed!
Swayam Parida
May 24, 3:00 PM
Come by Durand for Jerry's 3 PM office hours
Victor Lin
May 24, 5:17 PM
I have a zoom meeting at
Sophie Decoppet
May 24, 5:44 PM
@Ahmed, can you join the zoom?
Ahmed Ahmed
May 24, 5:45 PM
Sure thing!
Sophie Decoppet
May 24, 6:08 PM
@Gayatridevi can you join the zoom?
Esteban Barrero-Hernandez
May 24, 6:48 PM
Hi I'm on the zoom
Esteban Barrero-Hernandez
May 24, 6:48 PM
I signed up for haung by accident
Esteban Barrero-Hernandez
May 24, 6:49 PM
I was in queue but I think I got skipped because my location said haung
Ahmed Ahmed
May 25, 4:04 PM
Hi I can't make it anymore, feel free to skip!
Canwen Jiao
May 25, 7:17 PM
Hi Nikesh, are you in Huang? I can't find you
Nikesh Mishra
May 25, 7:19 PM
Hi @Canwen, I just arrived.
Nikesh Mishra
May 25, 7:19 PM
My apologies; I would appreciate if you returned to me after you finished helipng the current student.
Canwen Jiao
May 25, 7:25 PM
okay i will, just notify me when you get here
Nikesh Mishra
May 25, 7:26 PM
I am here
Canwen Jiao
May 25, 7:31 PM
where are you?
Gayatridevi Tarcar
May 25, 7:46 PM
hello, I'll be at huang in 15! Could you potentially return to me after helping the next person?
Ben Heller
May 25, 8:08 PM
yes, let me know when you're here
Jack Nichols
May 26, 2:59 PM
Hi Osose
Osose Ewaleifoh
May 26, 3:02 PM
Osose Ewaleifoh
May 26, 3:03 PM
I'm wearing a white and blue dress at a table near the couches
Osose Ewaleifoh
May 26, 3:03 PM
but I don't see Maddy
Jack Nichols
May 31, 12:33 PM
Xiaokun are you here?
Jack Nichols
May 31, 12:33 PM
Jack Nichols
May 31, 12:34 PM
I'll come back to you
Canwen Jiao
Jun 1, 7:05 PM
Niral are you here?